August 25, 2005

Google Talk

The Google empire continues to spread. There are articles in today's Guardian and NYT about Google Talk, the newly launched VoIP/IM beta. It's limited to Gmail account holders, so I've added a few people to my list to try it out (if you want to add me, it's It looks like you can configure GAIM, Trillian Pro and other third party IM managers to accept the Google Talk information (but not sadly, not the free Trillian). Is it worth upgrading to Trillian Pro? I went ahead and upgraded to Trillian Pro and configured it for Google Talk using the Jabber plugin.

I'm curious to see how it compares to Skype, which has been a joy to use while working on the CMS article with 2 of my friends and former colleagues at Georgia State. It's worked well in my office, outside the library on my laptop, even at home using the dialup.

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