August 28, 2004

ACS Wrap-Up

In between my poster sessions and other activities at last week's ACS National Meeting, I gave a crash course on RSS to two reps from the ACS Publications Division. I had been corresponding with one of them over the summer (following up from SLA in Nashville) about the possibility of creating feeds for their journals. They currently have one feed, for the Nanofocus section of Chemical & Engineering News. I showed them Bloglines, we looked at the other journal web sites that are using feeds like BioMed Central and IOP, and we discussed the challenges of offering feeds for licensed resources when readers may not have access to the articles themselves. Hopefully, they'll move ahead quickly on adding feeds for C&EN and the journals.

I also stopped by the Nature booth and asked that they consider adding a feed for their book reviews. The RSC and PNAS reps had no idea what I was talking about but gave me business cards for the people I should contact.

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