November 04, 2004

Webfeeds and E-Journal Locators

Peter Scott at the University of Saskatchewan Libraries announced on WEB4LIB that his library has incorporated feed information into their e-journal page. You can browse a list of titles with available feeds, and each journal that does have a webfeed has: [Publisher] has made the following additional information concerning this journal available as RSS Feed.

They have currently included the major publishers (NPG, BioMed Central, IOP, etc.) and are in the process of adding the IngentaSelect feeds. Someone on the listserv has already suggested a list arranged by publisher, which is already in development.

Color me extremely impressed. This is a great way to market webfeeds as a current awareness tool to faculty and students, and I have already asked if it is something we could incorporate into our e-journal locator here at GSU (and you can bet I'll be asking about it at UCSD when I start there next year).

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